Individual File (WP<5)

Note: it is recommended to use the ‘Dicom’ block, these steps are for wordpress version < 5 (before blocks)

The steps to add a DICOM file to a post are similar than adding an image except you do not have a preview in the editor. They are:

  1. In the post editor, click the Add Media button,
  2. Choose the Upload Files tab on the Insert Media page,
  3. Upload DICOM data (as this dicompyler-ct.0.dcm from the DWV test data),
  4. It should be selected in the Media Library tab,
  5. Click the Insert into post button,
  6. This brings you back to the editor and adds the dcm shortcode to the post,
  7. Click the Preview Changes button to see it in action!

Or if you want to write the short-code yourself:

[dcm src="https://path/to/file.dcm"]

The shortcode accepts optional width and height arguments.